“Karnataka will go to polls on May 12.”
A Vehicle carrying Rs.1.5 Crore unaccounted cash has been seized by Silver Jubilee park police in Bengaluru .
The Accused has been identified as Subhash,resident of Raichur,Civil contractor by profession and
Venkta Suresh babu.N,resident of Ananthapur and he is a driver by profession.
The Silver Jubilee park police with election offcials who were intercepting vehicles at the checkpost near mission road they stopped a Maruthi Baleno vehicle and while intercepting they found in the car Unaccounted cash to the tune of Rs 1.5 crore and the cops immediately informed to the senior offcials and immediately they rushed to spot and seized the unaccounted cash from a car of contractor during checks being held in view of coming assembly elections in Karnataka and two persons detained today.
DCP Central Zone Dr.Chandragupta said Vehicle carrying Rs.1.5 Crore an unaccounted cash has been seized as our cops were on the checkpost picket points and they noticed a car bearing number KA-02-ML-5777, Maruthi Baleno car they intercepted and found huge cash in the car was immediately seized and during questioning we got to know that one was contractor and other was driver and it is election related money and for further inquiry we have transferred the case to Income Tax department,the Men on duty,HC – 6057 Sri Parsappa Y Sudi,PC-16358,Sri Ranju has been Appreciated for their prompt work in seizing 1.5 Crore unaccounted cash today at an election check post of SJ park police station and lawful action will be taken he added.