Bhadohi ( U P ) – Above words delivered by.the governor of Arunchal Pradesh and former brigadier as well as student aluminii of Kashi naresh Gyanpur . Bhadohi (U.P.) Governor of Arunchal Pradesh B.D.Mishra honourable arrival at college.He said that any person gets opportunity to do anything in his life ,he should try to do a task for social welfareThe duty of teacher is not only for teaching the studentbut also for making discipline.directing and converting them according to the requirement of nation.Education for students is not only vocational knowledge for earning money but also for . Education, morale, and awareness.Students may enhance their skill for searching and creating employment itself.There is close relationship between health and senetory so cleaness is essential for good health and a healthy citizen make a healthy nation.Commencement of inagural function with national anthem and deep lighting in front of the picture of maa Saraswati.Cultural programme presented by students of college under the direction of Dr.Kaamini Verma associate professor in history department program performer students named Ankita Shukla,Nidhi Mishra,Prageti,Sachin Maurya and Purushouttem,make a good atmosphere of their musical presentation and also contribution of Dr.Onker Upadhaya.Cultural programme presented by students of college under the direction of Dr.Kaamini Verma associate professor in history department program performer students named Ankita Shukla,Nidhi Mishra,Prageti,Sachin Maurya and Purushouttem,make a good atmosphere of their musical presentation and also contribution of Dr.Onker Upadhaya.Note on welcome read by Dr.Sarveshanand department of mathematics and welcome note and momento presented by Principal Dr.Subha Srivastava,Pro.S.P.Khare joint director department of higher education (U.P.) in his welcome speech he said that respected governor sir is disciplined army officer, adoptable ‘Karmayogi”soft hearted and pride of Bhadohi.Parliamentarian of Bhadohi district ,and MLA of Bhadohi, and Aruai also welcome and respect of chief guest,programme supervised by Dr.Kamal Ahmed Siddiqui and vote of thanks delebrated by principal Dr.Subha Srivastava.On this marvelous occasion preseenc of wife Nilam Mishra and Nilotpal Mishra ,son of chief guest,Also participation of Hasula Prasad president of Bhadohi district BJP, and former principlal of this college,Dr, Ashok Mishra, Dr.R.K.Tiwari, Dr.Brinda Prasad Yadav etc.On this ceremony participation of Dr.Prabhat Verma ,Dr.Dhanshyam Mishra,Dr.Ramesh Chandra yadev,Dr.Manisha, Dr.Hament Nirala,Dr.Dhiraj Kumar Gupta Department of commerce and other teaching and non teaching staff with students of this college ।
There is no any other alternative of education for the prosperity of man and nation – B.D.Mishra.