More than 1866 saplings planted in Aklimpur

Amit Pant

Envirer, India’s First Environment App for planting trees’ in collaboration with BNI (world’s largest referral generating organization) Gurgaon members, planted more than 1866 saplings in Aklimpur village to promote message of clean & green Gurgaon. The plantation drive has been divided into 3 phases where BNI Gurgaon’s 1100 members taken it up three plantation every week for three weeks making the contribution 1866 trees planted. The first phase of plantation drive took place on 4th August 2019. Members planted a total of 533 trees using the Envirer App. The members were accompanied by their friends and family members to join the movement.  #Envirer #Environment. Saplings of Neem, Peepal, Gulmohar, Pilkha, shahtoot, teak and siris were planted during the drive.

BNI Gurgaon and Envier to plant more than 10000 saplings in coming months. Attachment areas of Gurgaon will be targeted to complete the mission of clean and green Gurgaon.

The enthusiasm and excitement at the plantation drive to create BNI Gurgaon forests was witnessed by BNI Gurgaon members and various dignitaries, entrepreneurs and Gurugram residents. The drive blossomed as the children came forward to plant trees and engaged in conversations with the farmers. Feather in the cap was when a progressive Sarpanch of Aklimpur Village addressed how Envirer has contributed to the growth of the village – by providing jobs to the farmers improving their daily livelihood.

Tree plantation is good for the environment. Everyone knows that trees are the source of oxygen. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen without which the survival of living beings is not possible on earth.

BNI Executive Director Gurgaon Arti Kochar said, “Giving back to earth inspires all of us and what better way than to plant trees which creates a future for coming generations.”

There are many advantages of plants that includes providing fruits & leaves that serve as food for birds, animals as well as human beings, maintaining bio diversity, providing wood, rubber and other raw materials that are used for manufacturing various goods such as furniture, doors, windows, utensils, stationary items and decorative items, conservation of water, climate control and many more.

BNI Member – Sanjeev Khetrapal & Saurabh Sharma jointly spoke about how important it is to take actionable steps towards creating forests if one wants to have a breathable future for ourselves and future generations. They added that “As a token of gratitude to Mother Earth we have made it our mission to improve the air quality of Gurgaon and collaborated with ENVIRER in their forestation drive in the foothills of Aravali .We intend to plant a minimum of 1200 trees over a 6-month period on a 1 acre land which will be dedicated as the BNI Gurgaon Forest”.

Ashish Tewari – Founder & CEO, Envirer India – addressed the BNI Members and said “It is now become urgent to improve the environmental quality of the world. It can only happen by partnering with individuals, communities and corporates to work together to create a clean and safe place for us to live and the generations to come”. He further elaborated that through the Envirer App one can plant trees on the go. You can now plant, locate, monitor and earn rewards by planting trees.”

Puneet Dhillon – Associate Director Marketing, Envirer India – says “While deforestation was our idea towards expansion, so should “Afforestation” be our goal to offset carbon emissions to save our Earth, save lives & reduce air pollution. Lets fix the mess we have created by planting trees, for our future generations to breathe fresh air”.