Teachers have great importance in our lives. They taught us, they honed us, they guided us, and they moulded us. As Teachers’ Day is just around the corner, Ferns N Petals has come up with unique offerings this year. Appended below is the concept note and attached are the pictures for your reference. Kindly let me know if you are planning any Teachers’ Day special story, where you can incorporate our products/spokesperson’s quote.
Ferns N Petals has brought forth an assortment of personalized gifts (mugs, cushions, indoor plants, cakes, flower, designer stationery and gift combos) to adore one’s relationship with their Gurus, this Teachers’ Day. Amongst the large collection to choose from, exceptional are Beautiful flower arrangements, Natural Jute wrapped glass vase with a bamboo plant (written Ma’am/Sir over it with a red/yellow rassi), chocolate bouquets, air purifying indoor plants, Combos like Personalized cushion with an indoor plant, personalized cushion with scented candles & artificial flowers, personalized cushion & mug, box of roses & chocolates, cake & bouquet, cake & indoor plant. Beautiful messages/Quotes/pictures of teachers can be printed/embossed on these gifts.