Indian Railways restore 03 Special Trains from New Delhi today

Train No. 02442 New Delhi to Bilaspur Special train will start its journey today i.e. 12th May, 2020 from New Delhi Railway Station as a first special train to be restored after the suspension of passenger train services due to COVID 19. With the departure of this train, restoration of passenger train services on Indian Railways started in a graded manner. Total 03 Special trains shall depart from New Delhi today while total 05 special trains to depart from other cities towards New Delhi. These special train services shall be in addition to the Shramik specials run by Indian Railways.

Total 03 Trains are departing from New Delhi to various destinations today. The details of the trains is as under:

S.No. Train No From To
1 02692 New Delhi Bengaluru
2 02424 New Delhi Dibrugarh
3 02442 New Delhi Bilaspur

Total 741 PNRs were generated for 1177 passengers travelling in the New Delhi Bilaspur special train; total 442 PNRs were generated for 1122  passengers travelling in New Delhi Dibrugarh special train and total 804 PNRs were generated for 1162 passengers are travelling in New Delhi- Bengaluru special train.Today total 08 Trains are departing from various cities including New Delhi. The details if the trains is as under:


S.No. Train No From To
1 02301 Howrah New Delhi
2 02951 Mumbai Central New Delhi
3 02957 Ahmedabad New Delhi
4 02309 Rajendranagar (T) New Delhi
5 02691 Bengaluru New Delhi
6 02692 New Delhi Bengaluru
7 02424 New Delhi Dibrugarh
8 02442 New Delhi Bilaspur