Delhi chief minister Arvind kejriwal warned Delhi private hospital on June 6 if they refused to treat covid-19 positive cases the same day kejriwal government filed an FIR against sir ganga ram hospital for violating an order mandating hospital to use RT-PCR app for recording detail of coivd 19 patient samples that have been collected and order all hospital in Delhi to insure that no patient having covid 19 symptoms and is in moderate and severe category be denied.
The decision taken by Arvind kejriwal government that there are enough beds in hospital for covid 19 patients for their treatment is also challenged by some citizen they alleged that the hospital is denied to treats covid 19 patients as they don’t have enough beds several panic stricken citizen also posted on social media about non availability of beds in hospitals many citizen also shared incident being turned away from the hospital these incidents may also correspondence with daily raising cases testing positive for covid 19. Forcing the kejriwal government to declare that hospital run by his government in the NCT will exclusively cater to covid patients from Delhi .