Digital Interface to Source Loan Applications of Street Vendors

Housing Minister Urges Authorities to Play a Positive Role to Ensure Success of The Street Vendor Schem Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State (I/C), Housing and Urban Affairs interacted with Urban Development Ministers, Chief Secretaries, UD Secretaries/Principal Secretaries, DGPs, Collectors / SPs / SSPs / Municipal Commissioners / Chief Executive Officers of 125 cities in the context of Prime Minister Street Vendors AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme which has been launched to provide credit for working capital to street vendors to resume their business. While the Scheme provides the credit facility to the vendors, there is a requirement to ensure that they are able to do business in a harassment free environment. Shri Durga Shankar Mishra, Secretary, MoHUA was also present in the meeting.