Man killed niece of bad luck and escaped :

Yogesh K Porwar

The Chikkabalapura rural police are on the massive manhunt for a 35 year old flower vendor who brutally murdered his five year old physically challenged niece thinking that she was bringing bad luck to him.

The accused Shankar living with his parents and elder brother Krishnamurthy at the ancestral house in Angarakanahalli in the outskirts of the Chikkabalapura.

According to the police, Krishnamurthy and Sasikala had two daughters aged five and three.The elder daughter Charvitha is physically challenged by birth.

This has upset Shankar who used to fight with parents and brother that he is not getting married because of Charvitha.

He would blame Charvitha for bringing bad luck to the house and tried to attack her twice last year.

However realising his intentions,Krishnamurthy and his parents threw Shankar out of the house last year.

Few months ago,Shankar apologised for his mistakes and returned home.

On Tuesday,Shankar noticed Charvitha was playing with other children near a temple close to the house while mother looking on.

When the accused went near Charvitha she came running towards him in a bid to hug him.

Suddenly,Shankar grabbed her back pulled out a knife and slit her throat.While Charvitha fell on the floor and was profusely bleeding and gasping for breath,Shankar threw the knife and escaped.

Sasikala who witnessed to this collapsed due to shock while other children were stunned with the development.

Passers by rushed to the help and took the injured Charvitha to a near by hospital where the doctors declared her as brought dead.

The police rushed to the spot and now launched a manhunt for Shankar.We have definite clues about him and will be arrested soon,a police officer,said.