Recently, the shooting of Upcoming short film- SWAD commenced in New Delhi. Actor Ashnoor Kaur, Saanand Verma and Director Sachin Gupta were seen Shooting in Preet Vihar location of New Delhi. Swad is an upcoming Anthology series produced under Banner named Chilsag Pictures Treasure Tales. It will be released soon on OTT platform.
While talking to the media, Director Sachin Gupta shared, ” Swad is all about different flavours and moments of life. The film has 4 stories and I hope they add different flavours to your life which is nowadays missing”. Adding to this Actor Ashnoor Kaur shared her thoughts, ” I am very excited for the release of Swad, I have never done such role before, I am playing a role of a struggling actress in the film who needs someone in her life to admire her. And when someone actually admires you irrespective of age, how you forget about the real world is shown in film.”
The witty saanand verma who is famous for his comedy roles in Chichore movie and popular TV serial Bhabhiki Ghar Par Hain shared about his role , ” I am playing the role of crazy admirer of Ashnoor, I am dying to work with her and when I finally I get a chance, what a mess it becomes will seen in the film.”