Ten Mega Phone Loudspeakers used by Push cart vendors confiscated,causing noise pollution in Bengaluru

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankaria

The East division police on Tuesday conducted a special drive and seized as many as 10 mega Phone loud speakers used by push cart vendors causing noise pollution in the residential area especially during morning hours .

Senior officer told media persons,As residents complained to the city police commissioner during a public grievance meeting that push cart vendors are using loudspeakers with higher decibels creating noise pollution and disturbing the children attending online classes .

Based on which a surprise drive was conducted across East division area and the team On Tuesday morning as part of the drive,the police intercepted many push cart vendors and confiscated their mega phones .

The mega phones were later returned after creating awareness about the effects of noise pollution and warned that legal action would be taken if they continue to use mega phones .

As it also posing a threat to senior citizens and bed ridden people with shrill noises and announcements to sell their wares a drive will be a continuous process and there will be zero tolerance for those who are violating the orders he added.