Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) celebrates Sanitation Week as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

Rally by CLF leaders and SHG Women  – Andhra Pradesh

As part of celebration under Amrit Mahotsav, Self-Help Group members mobilised under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission, Ministry of Rural Development celebrated the Sanitation Week from 19th to 25th November 2021 across State Rural Livelihoods Missions (SRLMs).

The community institutions focused on key themes: (i) handwashing – correct method & critical times, (ii) usage of toilet- all times by all the members of the household, maintenance, and availability of water, (iii) personal hygiene, (iv) menstrual hygiene and management and (v) solid andliquid waste management. The SRLMs were also advised to coordinate and establish convergence with the line departments to participate and support in events and activities organised (online and offline)around the themes of drinking water, sanitation, and management of solid and liquid waste.

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Pledge taking by SHG Women – Andhra Pradesh

SHGs and their federations organised discussions on identified issues in the group meetings and undertook pledge, conducted competitions like quiz, drives on cleanliness of areas and nearby water bodies, promoted related products like phenyls, soaps, sanitizers, sanitary napkins made by the SHG members, conducted community-based events like rallies, rangolis, posters on the identified themes and demonstration on correct method of hand washing as well as use of tippy tap method. It was also encouraged to disseminate key messages and audio-visual materials using technology platforms e.g. webinars, WhatsApp groups, online discussion platforms etc. All activities were conducted as per COVID-19 protocols.

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Training on Solid waste management at Chamarajanagara of Karnataka

Prime Minister while interacting with the SHG members had advised them to spend 75 hours to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Independence, on awareness generation on social development issues including health, nutrition and WASH. In line with PM’s advice, SRLMs were advised to plan activities during the week for awareness generation of community members as well as conduct cleanliness drives on the mentioned issues.

Various activities have been organized by the SRLMs, Uttarakhand and Andaman and Nicobar Island undertook the initiative of recognizing SHG members and VOs that have 100% SHG households with functional toilets. Gujarat SRLM actively participated in “Atmanirbhar Gram Yatra” launched by Government of Gujarat, to reach out to 10,605 villages in 33 districts with key messages on sanitation and hygiene, with the vision of self-reliant Gujarat. Kudumbashree, Kerala leveraged the existing HarithakarmaSena Units (HKS), an enterprise model to create awareness on sanitation and cleanliness, as well as waste segregation. Total 3,192 registered HarithakarmaSena Units with 26,561 members across Kerala rendered services to 1,000 local rural and urban bodies.

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On the occasion of World Toilet Day, SHGs and VOs from Pachaya Village, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh organised sanitation chaupal, Swachta Rally to promote cleanliness of toilet, usage of toilet, management of solid and liquid household waste