Dr B Thomas (Special correspondent)
engaluru City police commissioner,Kamal Pant on Thursday asked the people or establishments who wanted license to use loudspeakers to submit application to their jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Police by May 25.
According to the release,the jurisdictional ACPs has been designated as licensing authority and enforcement officer for the use of Loud speakers .
A loudspeaker or a public address system can be used only after obtaining written permission from the authority.
After the deadline the jurisdictional police will launch the drive to check the noise pollution level as per the new orders .
Meanwhile,Abdul Azeem,Chairman of the state minority commission informed that the government circular dated May 10, 2022 clearly stipulated that a loud speaker or public address system shall not be used at night between 10 pm to 6 am,except in closed premises for communication within auditorium,conference room, community hall or banquet hall.
Mr.Azeem categorically stated that the morning Azaan shall not be called on loud speaker or public address system as per the SC direction and government order .
However there is no restrictions for Azaan for Zahar,Asar,Maghrib and Isha prayers through loud speakers after following the decibel levels fixed by the government.
He appealed to the people to follow the SC directions and government order strictly to avoid any action from the enforcing authorities and should avoid giving any room which could disturb communal harmony.