Dr B Thomas (Special correspondent)
Karnataka is powering the technology based development.This is the biggest contribution Karnataka could make for the development of the country,Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said.
The Chief Minister was speaking at a conclave “What India Thinks Today Global Summit-2022″ organised by the TV9 Network in New Delhi.
The very fact that Karnataka has been identified as the growth engine of the country conveys the state’s significance.
Karnataka has a long history of technological development.
Karnataka is home to the largest number of premier institutions in aerospace, defence and industrial production both in public and private sectors.
The visionary Maharaja of Mysore had established steel, cement industries to even ink production units long ago.
As a result Karnataka has been in the forefront of industrialisation for a long time.The technologies developed the world over used to be tested in Bengaluru.
Most of the leading R & D Centres ranging from IT, BT to Artificial Intelligence are in Bengaluru. Karnataka is the state with the highest number of R & D Centres.
About 400 of the Fortune- 500 companies have their presence in Bengaluru.Karnataka is leading others in IT, BT,Aerospace and Startups, Bommai said.
Policies formulated in Delhi have benefited Karnataka
Replying to a question on the benefits of Double Engine Government,Bommai said,Double Engine Government is definitely beneficial.
Many works would have smooth sailing if the doors of Delhi are open. Policies are framed in Delhi, it is the international gateway, only a Double Engine Government can pave the way to attain international level.”
PM is a leader with a long term vision
Prime Minister Modi is a leader with a long term vision. He has accorded priority for skills development.
Karnataka is rich in skilled manpower.The Prime Minister has changed the perception of seeing the huge population as a burden to seeing it as an asset terming it as “Demographic Dividend”.
Karnataka is reaping huge gains from demographic science.
Karnataka’s achievement is attracting other states too, Bommai said.
Defence sector has a big presence in the State under the Atma Nirbhar mission.DRDO has many research centers in Karnataka.
Karnataka is the first state to have signed MoUs with leading Semiconductor companies. The State would soon start manufacturing semiconductors.
This is our strength.So the Double Engine Government is bound to bring huge benefits for the State.We have the highest number of Startups, Unicorns.The policies being framed in Delhi have had a direct impact on Karnataka,” Bommai said.
The Chief Minister in his reply to a question on measures being taken to attract the Unicorns to Karnataka said, the Startups grow into Unicorns and Decacorns.
They need a congenial ecosystem to set up and grow.Modi’s concept of ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance’ is the new model of growth.
Karnataka’s ecosystem, R & D base,skilled manpower have proved ideal for setting up and growth of Startups.Karnataka has startups even in Agriculture, Fisheries and Textiles sectors, Bommai said.