Hyderabad: CM KCR inaugurated the buildings allotted to Banjaras and Adivasis in Banjara Hills of the city. The state government constructed Sant Sewalal for Banjaras at a cost of Rs.21.71 crores and Kumurabhim buildings for Adivasis at a cost of Rs.21.50 crores. The CM spoke in a program organized after the inauguration of these buildings.
“There was no place for Banjaras in Banjara Hills in the past. It is a matter of pride to build this building for the honor of the Banjara children in their own state so that the entire nation can know about it. We have built buildings so that Banjaras and Adivasis can rise. These buildings should be platforms for the protection of Adivasi and Banjara rights. In Maharashtra, Banjaras are listed as BCs. There should be equal reservation for Banjaras across the country. We will take a unified approach to this when Teresa enters national politics. Soon we will solve the problem of low-lying land related to the tribals,” said KCR.
CM KCR has criticized that some religious forces
CM KCR has criticized that some religious forces are conspiring to create unrest in Telangana. He said that it is necessary to be careful once again from fanatical forces. On the occasion of Telangana National Unity Day, KCR hoisted the tricolor in the celebrations held at Hyderabad Public Gardens. CM spoke on this occasion. Happy Unity Day to the people of the state.
On September 17, 1948, Hyderabad University became an integral part of India. Transition from monarchy to democracy. Before independence many parts of India were under different rulers. Swadeshi states were incorporated into India at different times. Let us remember all the great people who fought public battles on that day. The India we see today has been developed with everyone’s efforts. Efforts were made to unite the country across religions.
Hyderabad was highly developed even before independence. In the name of reorganization of states, Hyderabad state was forcibly merged with AP. The people of Hyderabad were worried about that merger. We lost 58 years because of a small mistake that day. After a long struggle, Telangana emerged again as a separate state and is leading in many fields today. Conspiracies are being made to distort history and pollute Telangana. KCR said, “Even if it is forgotten for a blink of an eye, there is a danger from destructive forces.”