Hyderabad, Bandlaguda, : Minister KTR clarified that the metro train will be extended from LBnagar to Hayatnagar. Apart from this, the five kilometer connection between Nagol and LB Nagar will also be completed. He emphasized that the next coming government will be the Teras government and the Chief Minister will be KCR. On Tuesday, the minister inaugurated the box drain constructed from Nagol to Bandlaguda, Fathullaguda-Peerjadiguda link road, Muktighat, a crematorium for three religions in Fatullaguda, and an electric incinerator for pet dogs in LBnagar constituency. On this occasion, KTR spoke in a meeting organized in Fathullaguda.
He said that the Telangana government is implementing many welfare programs like Asara, Kalyan Lakshmi and KCR Kit with the aim of seeing happiness on the faces of the poor. At the same time urban development, industries, environment, agriculture, He said that it has introduced a new paradigm in the field of IT. He said that Telangana has the highest number of 20 best villages at the national level and 26 awards have been given to the municipalities of the state in Swachh Sarvekshan survey. These are proof that Telangana is advancing in rural and urban development. He said that the greenery in the state has increased by 7.7% due to greening, and Fatullaguda has become like a garden filled with garbage.
Second phase SNDP in April
Minister KTR revealed that new canals are being constructed under SNDP (Strategic Canal Development Program)-1 with a cost of Rs.985 crores for flood water dam across the city. “Out of the 34 canals that have been constructed in the greater area, two have already been made available. 17 will be completed by the end of the month. We will complete the rest in January next year. Hussainsagar and Bulkapur nala works will be completed by April. After that, the second phase of SNDP will start,” explained the minister.
He said that 14 new bridges are being constructed on Moosina river. They said they will allow the establishment of a flower garden in Autonagar, which is known as a dumping yard for animal carcasses. It is suggested that people should take advantage of the opportunity given to regularize the house plots within the limits of the three districts before the 20th of this month. Minister Mallareddy, MP Ramulu, MLAs Sudhir Reddy, Manchireddy Kishan Reddy,