SWR Registered Excellent Growth In Revenue Till November This Financial Year Compared To last Financial Year

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

* The South Western Railway has earned a revenue of Rs.4447.62 crore till November this financial year, registering a growth of 30.78% as compared to the Rs.3400.83 crore of the corresponding period of last financial year.

* SWR earned passenger revenue Rs.1813.58 crore till November this financial year,registering a growth of 95.57% as compared to Rs.927.31 crore of the corresponding period of last financial year.

* Ticket Checking revenue of the zone has been increased by 104.08 % i.e., Rs.37.74 crore till November this financial year compared to Rs.15.72 crore of the corresponding period of last financial year.

South Western Railway has earned a revenue of Rs.4447.62 crore by registering a growth of 30.78% till November – 2022 this financial year, as compared to Rs.3400.83 crore during corresponding period of last financial year.

The Zone has earned an originating passenger revenue of Rs.1813.58 crore by registering a growth of 95.57% till November – 2022 this financial year, as compared to Rs.927.31 crore and 11.65% over the target of Rs.1624.32 crore during corresponding period of last financial year.

Parcel and luggage earning of SWR has been increased by 16.32 % i.e.,Rs.93.29 crore compared to Rs.80.20 crore and 6.94 % over the target of Rs.87.23 crore and Ticket checking revenue has been increased by 140.08% i.e., Rs. 37.74 crore compared to Rs.15.72 crore and 77.52 % over the target of Rs.21.26 crore till November – 2022 this financial year compared to corresponding period of last financial year.

The average speed of Goods train (including stabling and yarding) of the zone has been increased by 57% i.e.,21.6 km till November this financial year, compared to 13.8 km of the corresponding period of the last financial year.

The Scrap sale of the Zone has been increased by 17.34% i.e.,Rs.113.43 crore against the proportionate target of Rs.96.67 crore till November this financial year compared to corresponding period of last financial year.

General Manager,Sanjeev Kishore said that SWR is achieving well,the growth of revenue in various aspects was possible because of meticulous planning and exceptional synergy displayed by dedicated team members of SWR.