Railway Police trace missing trolley bag fallen from moving train containing gold and diamond valuables worth Rs.8.5 lakhs intact

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

In a pro-active and swift action,the Mangaluru railway police along with RPF personnel track down a trolley bag containing gold and diamond valuables worth Rs. 8.5 lakh belonging to an elderly couple,which had slipped from the moving train and fallen on the track on Monday.

Senior officer told reporters,The complainant,Ravindra M Shetty,74,and his wife Shashikala Shetty,64,were coming to Mangaluru from Mumbai in Matsyagandha express for medical treatment.

Shetty was running a catering business in Mumbai and after retirement wanted to visit his native and also for the treatment of his wife which he had planned for a long time.

While the train was approaching Mangaluru,the couple started getting their luggage near door.In the melee,a trolley bag containing gold and diamond valuables slipped through the door and fell on the track while the couple busy fetching others bag.

Soon after reaching the station the couple realized the trolley bag containing valuables was missing and reported to the railway police that the bag had been stolen .

Immediately Inspector Mohan Kottari gathered the details and on suspicion that it could have fallen on track he formed a team and dispatched to search the track till Suratkal station,where the bag was seen last.

Mr. Kottari also roped in RPF and railway employees to check the track which.After six kilometers of search a railway employee found the bag by the side of the track on the same day and informed the police.

The police obtained the picture and contacted Ravindra Shetty to confirm the discription of the bag.After confirmation the couple were called to the station and opened the bag to find the valuables were intact and handed over the bag.

Superintendent of Police,Railways,Dr SK Soumyalatha, appreciated,DYSP Railways,Geetha CR,PI,Mohan Kottari,and other police staff who worked tirelessly in cracking the case within few hours of reporting the incident said a senior officer.