Suspecting theft at his shop Gujari shop owner and two associates for detaining labourer illegally and killed him, arrested by Ramamurthynagar police

Yogesh K Porwar & Siddarath Sethia


he Ramamurthynagar police on Monday arrested a Gujari owner and two of his associates on the charges of detaining a 35-year-old labourer illegally for a week, torturing him for a week before killing him and dumped his body in a storm water drain.

The accused have been identified as Prashanth,34,who owned a Gujari shop on Nagawara main road and his associates Sheikh Zabiulla,26 and Shabaz,28.

Senior officer told reporters,The accused had even recorded the video of torture in the mobile phone which helped the police to zero in on them.

The accused have been identified as Prashanth,34,who owned a Gujari shop on Nagawara main road and his associates Sheikh Zabiulla,26 and Shabaz,28.

The deceased Saifulla resident of DJ Halli who owned a horse carriage to transport material would often visit Prashanth Gujri for work .

A detailed probe revealed that Prashanth noticed frequent theft at his junk shop and kept a watch before catching Zabiullah red handed when he visited the shop in the night time allegedly to steal the material .

The trio locked him in the room and tortured him brutally for a week as a result Saifulla succumbed to his injuries .

The trio transported the body and dumped in a storm water drain near Sadahalli bridge in Kasturi Nagar.The next day DJ Halli police recovered the body and registered a case of un-natural death .

The police also shared the details of the deceased with the police station and pasted posters to ascertain the identity of the deceased .

Meanwhile worried family members went to Prashanth Gujari to inquire about Saifullah, but his brother Fayazulla,but he was shooed away.

Later the accused Zabiullah even voluntarily joined the family members to search for Saifullah to not only create an alibi but also to know their movements.

Unable to find his whereabouts the family approached the police station to file a missing complaint on April 6. While at the station Fayazullah noticed the poster of Saifullah and identified his brother and shared the details .

In his statement to the police he also suspected Prashanth’s role as Saifulla had discussed with him about Prashanth harassment few days he went missing.

Based on this,the police picked up Prashanth for questioning and later recovered the video of Saifulla being tortured from his mobile .

A detailed questioning led Prashanth to confess to the crime. Based on the confession the police arrested Zabiullah and Shabaaz charging them under murder and other charged related to the crime.