Meeting to resolve problems of small,medium and micro industries :Chief Minister Siddaramaiah

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

*CM assures to revive small,medium and micro industries.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that a meeting will be convened along with Energy,Industry and Kassia to resolve the issues of small,medium and micro industries.

He was speaking with the delegation led by Karnataka Small Industries Association President K.N. Narasimhamurthy that met him today.

KERC had hiked the electricity charges,before our Government came to power,the Chief Minister clarified. He said that it is a known fact that BJP is imposing its mistake on our government for political purpose.

The previous government has Rs.11000 crores due for payment to Escoms.Those dues will have to be cleared by us.

CM added that the damage caused by the financial indiscipline of the previous BJP government has to be

Energy Minister,KJ George suggested that delegation can appeal to KERC for reconsideration of its recommendation in hike of electricity rates.

Deputy Chief Secretary, Energy Department Gaurav Gupta,office bearers of the association were present on the occasion.