Gandhiji’s thoughts are the inspiration for the pro-people government’s programs-Chief Minister Siddaramaiah

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology is relevant for all times”

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology is relevant for all times and Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts are the inspiration for the government’s pro-people programmes.

He was speaking at the Mahatma Gandhi Seva Award 2023 ceremony organized by the Department of Information and Public Relations today.

Garaga Kshetriya Seva Sangh,believer of Gandhiji’s principles:

When I was Chief Minister in 2014,It was decided to award the Gandhi Seva Award on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti and an order was issued to give this Award to individuals or organizations who walk the path of Gandhi Ji’s ideals.

Those eligible for the award should be believers in the principles of Gandhiji.Garaga Kshetriya Seva Sangh , Dharwad is engaged in the production and sale of Khadi and prepares the national flag of India.

The national flag manufactured here is supplied to the entire country.He congratulated the recipient of the Mahatma Gandhi Seva Award and thanked the selection committee of the award.

Simple life:

Gandhi,who was a lawyer,was humiliated by apartheid in South Africa.He fought against apartheid in that country.Gopalkrishna Gokhale,president of Congress requested Gandhiji to take the leadership of freedom struggle to set India from British.

In 1915,Gandhiji came to India.Gandhiji led a simple life who travelled all over India in the third class compartment in train to understand the social system and people’s life in India.

*India gained independence by walking the path of non-violence:

There was no difference in Gandhiji’s words and action. He led the freedom struggle by following the path of truth and non-violence.

India is a country that walked on the path of non-violence to get freedom.Gandhi was a great humanitarian.By cultivating the nature of man’s love for man, true respect is paid to Gandhiji.

It was Rabindranath Tagore who gave him the title of Mahatma.Subhash Chandra Bose called him the Father of the Nation.He worked for peace and harmony in the country till the end of his life.

But he died because of the fanaticism of Nathoram Godse.It is regrettable that there are people who worship Nathuram in this country. We should be aware of such people, the CM said.

Priority for women empowerment :

India is a country of villages.The country can develop only with the independence of the villages.Small industries should come to our country instead of big industries.He said that power should go from village to Delhi and not from Delhi to village.

Decentralization of power should be at four levels ie., country,state,district, village.Gandhiji’s thoughts are the inspiration for our government’s pro-people programs. He was deeply committed to women’s freedom and empowerment of the women.

The development of the country is possible with the development of women.Government has prioritized women empowerment.

He said that the economic empowerment of women through Shakti scheme and Grilahakshmi and Annabhagya schemes are based on Gandhian principles.

An honest politician India has ever seen:

Today is Lal Bahadur Shastri’s birth anniversary and it is being celebrated with great enthusiasm in the whole country.Lal Bahadur Shastri,the most honest politician India has ever seen,lived as a freedom fighter and a Gandhian, he said