Chief Minister Siddaramaiah says drought study tour of BJP leaders of Karnataka is farce

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The new drought study tour of BJP leaders of Karnataka is a farce.While the ones who should provide drought relief are seated in Delhi,these state BJP leaders are undertaking a drought study tour within the state instead of appealing to their bosses in the union government.

Dear BJP leaders,your very own party’s government had sent a team of experts from Delhi to study the drought situation in Karnataka.

But now,you are undertaking a tour for the same purpose.Don’t you trust your own government’s drought study team?

According to our government’s study,the estimated loss due to the drought is around Rs.33,770 crore.We have requested Rs.17,901 crore relief from the Union government.Unfortunately,we have not received even a single paisa.

Dear BJP leaders,if you genuinely care about the farmers of the state,first demand from your government.How many BJP MPs have written a letter to the Prime Minister demanding the relief funds for Karnataka?

You fooled the innocent people of Karnataka by claiming that if the ‘double engine’ government comes into power,the state would witness unprecedented development,and managed to win 25 seats in the last Lok Sabha elections.

What are these MPs doing? Why are they sitting idle? Have they ever raised their voice against the injustice done to the state by the Union government?

Dear BJP leaders,you should be touring Delhi,not the state.Take your 25 Lok Sabha members to Delhi,meet the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and question him if needed,and ask for the relief funds.

If you don’t have the courage to talk to him,at least arrange an appointment for me with the Prime Minister.

After causing injustice to Karnataka on the issues of land, water and language, do BJP leaders have any shame left to travel tour the state?

Drought-affected people don’t need your empty words of consolation; they need relief.How can the people accept you when you’re using the drought situation for petty political gains?