Yogesh K Porwar & Siddarth Sethia
City police has launched a probe to identify the people who had put up a poster accusing chief minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar of exploiting the video clips of the victims of the sex scandal involving JDS MP,Prajwal Revanna, for political gain.
The posters have been put up at bus stops and public places on Monday light across the city.
Reacting to this incident,City police commissioner,B Dayananda,said that he had take cognisance and instructed the jurisdictional police to probe in this regard.
The BBMP officials concerned and the officials of the Elections commission are assisting the probe,he said .
Meanwhile members of JDS party staged a protest outside JDS office demanding action against DK Shivakumar.The protestors burnt tyre and shouted slogans demanding action.