Two friends part of Karaga Pallaki procession electrocuted with live wire passing while carrying diety

Pramesh S Jain 

Two friend who are part of the karaga pallakki processin electrocuted while carrying the deity around the area as part of the jubiliation in Veerasandra on Sunday morning.

The duo was travelling in a tractor with the deity and noticed the live wire passing through .

Haribabu,25 and Ranganath,30,tried to lift the live wire using a stick .

Since it was raining the stick was went and even the wire had a water droplets .

Soon afer the duo touched the wire,they sustained shock and collapsed and died on the spot .

The others alerted the police who rushed to the spot and with the help of BESCOM officials disconnected the power supply to prevent fiurther damages.

The electronic city police have taken up a case of un natural death and are investigating .