FedEx courier scam : Cyber crooks posing as Mumbai NCB officials harrased software engineer and his wife for 2 weeks before robbing their savings amounting to Rs.47.7 lakhs

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar 

In another case of courier scam,cyber crooks subjected a 40-year-old software engineer and his wife and harassed for two weeks before robbing their saving amounting to ₹ 47.7 lakh .

Based on the complaint by Kannapiran Srinivasan,from Ramamurthynagar,the East Division cyber crime police have registered a case under IT act and cheating on Sunday.

In his complaint,the victim, said that on May 18, Kannapiran received a automated call from a number identified as FEDEX informing that a parcel delivery in his name had returned to Mumbai from Taiwan .

Confused victim asked for the details of the parcel following which a person identified himself as Anil Kumar,executive of the courier company replied that the parcel contained 5 passports,3 credit cards,200g MDMA,laptop and ₹ 35,000 .

Anil Kumar also informed him that they had informed Narcotics Bureau of mumbai police and connected the call with the Mumbai crime branch officer .

The officer asked me to come on skype call stating that he is a suspect in drug trafficking and money laundering case and needed to be questioned.

When Kannapiran tried to reason with him, the person in the call him and his wife with the arrest and asked them to cooperate .

The nightmare began as the victim and his wife were bombared with calls from people names Omkar (he called himself as circle inspector,Mumbai crime branch),Ravi (Junior officer) &Milind Bharambe,(as DCP Mumbai crime branch) initially told him come to Mumbai for investigation and considering the option of self-detention as Kannapiran volunteered .

The callers grilled the couple with all sorts of questioned to get their background checks before asking them to move all the savings online to their account for verification.

The accused had even shared an Authorization letter from the “RBI”,which the complainant shared it with the police and later after verification it was found to be fake .

Following their instruction Kannapiran closed all mutual funds and moved to his personal bank account from there he transferred 87 per cent of the total savings to different accounts mentioned by them.

The accused continued to ask him to close the rest of the mutal funds and transfer the money.Suspecting something fishy,the victim shared this with his friends who suggested him to approach the police.

While coming to police station after complaint, the accused called him to get connected on skype for further investigations”, the victim,said .

The police are now trying to track down the accounts to stop the online transactions and communicating with the banks concerned to stop the payments .

In a similar incident 29-year-old S Rajaram from Varthur cheated by conman who posing as CBI officer and made away with ₹ 20 lakh on Saturday.

The victim called Rajaram informing that a case of narcotics smuggling case has been registered and demanded Aadhar card details for verification.

He later asked him to transfer the money from his bank account for verification and escaped .

The Whitefield cyber crime police have registered a case of cheating impersonation and also under IT Act against Anil Kumar and Sunil Yadav who posed FEDEX company executive and CBI officer .