Wayanad landslides:Historic by Indian Army builds 190 ft long bridge in record time to speed up rescue mission

Pramesh S Jain & Binish Thomas (Sub-Editor)

Kerala:Bridge never too far for Indian Army, be it in war or in peace.Valiant #Madras

Sappers constructed an improvised 100ft foot bridge overnight and opened for public.This will further aid the rescue operations and assist in quick evacuation of stranded people.

Six Indian Army Relief Columns,Medical Teams,dog squads and Engineer Task force commenced search and rescue operations at 06:30 AM at Attamala, Mundakkai&Chooralmala along with other rescue teams effective in area.

Foot Bridge -An improvised foot bridge using Bailey Bridge panels has been completed overnight connecting Chooralmala–Mundekkai.The bridge will facilitate in quick evacutaion of persons stranded on the other side of the stream.

Construction of Bailey Bridge-A Class 24 Bailey Bridge construction by Madras Engineers Task Force on Meepadi-Choormala continued throughout the night.15 out of total 19 bays have been placed.

On completion of bridge,more engineering equipment will be inducted through for recovery and further reach to cut off areas. Effort on combing through riverbank & digging through debris being undertaken meanwhile. Technical equipments for remote sensing are being
explored to discover.

Meetings with all stakeholders held at 07:00 PM yesterday,chaired by DG Kerala Police to take stock of situation.

05 JCBs were shifted to the west side of stream for search operations yesterday.The JCBs will be clearing the silt and debris today to find survivors and deceased.

Total casualties as per Police Control Room yesterday at 10:00 PM was – Dead- 166, Injured – 225.

Assistance provided by Bangalore Police for movement of Indian Army Bridging Equipment :

Troops from MEG & Centre of Indian Army swiftly moved the much needed Bailey Bridges from Bangalore to landslide affected areas of Wayanad District of Kerala on 30 July with assistance of Bangalore Police in clearing road traffic and providing fast moving lanes.

The synergy between Indian Army and Bangalore Police ensured early commencement of Bridging Operations in Kerala.

“Army Dogs in action

Briefing state cabinet and CM by GOC KKSA;

Maj Gen VT Mathew, officer in charge for all rescue operation of Indian Army at Wayanad met the Chief Minister of Kerala this morning and updated him and the state cabinet about the ongoing rescue operations.

HADR in Wayanad :

GOC K&K briefed Kerala CM and state cabinet officials on the ongoing rescue and relief effort at Kalpetta at 1100 h.

Search ops in progress at Attamala,Mundakkai & Chooralmala as planned. Vill Punjrimala has been included in the scope of Rescue based on request by local officials.

Combing operation in progress Hy eqpt and plant being planned for induction.

Request for provision of special equipment for augmenting ongoing search (Remote Sensing Equipment ex NTRO & Recco Rescue System) has been made.Total bodies recovered by team–06.says PRO Defence Bengaluru,Ms.Isha Garg.