US defense sources revealed that China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine has sunk.

According to satellite images taken by Maxar Technologies on March 10, China has parked this nuclear-powered submarine at a shipyard near Wuhan. In the June pictures, however, the submarine never returned to shore. “There is no surprise in this. “The PLA is trying to hide the fact that the first submarine of the Zhou class has sunk near the coast,” said a senior US defense official.
Tom Shugart, who examines satellite images of Chinese shipyards, noted this. He serves at the Center of a New American Security. “I have never seen so many cranes in one place. Looking at the satellite images, only one crane was seen. Normally after launching submarines they stay at the shipyard for a few months. But that didn’t happen here,” said Tom. China, which is modernizing its Army (PLA) as a rival to the US, is giving great importance to the expansion of its navy and submarine.
Last year too there was an accident involving a Chinese submarine. Nuclear Submarine ‘093-417’ met with a fatal accident in Yellow Sea waters. In this accident, the lives of 55 submariners were lost in the air. Even though this accident took place in August last year, China remained silent. International media published a story based on the reports of Britain’s intelligence agencies. In addition, in August, American naval experts told about this submarine accident.. At that time, both Taiwan and China rejected this campaign. But, later British submariners also confirmed this accident.
Caught in the trap laid for the ships of the West.
The Qingdao naval base is located near the site of the submarine accident. In the article of ‘Daily Mail’, its submarine was caught in the ‘chain and anchor trap’ set up by the Dragon in the Yellow Sea to prevent American and British submarines from coming here. Beijing’s navy uses similar traps. The Royal Navy of Britain did not respond to this accident. But a British submariner explained that there are strong reasons to believe that this incident happened. He opined that Chinese submarines may not have kits to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in emergency situations.