VISFOT KAVACH VIII Conducted By Nsg Manesar Delhi:Karnataka State Police ISD Counter IED Team Wins the Prestigious National Joint Counter IED Competition

Pramesh S Jain 

T he Internal Security Division-Counter IED team of Centre for Counter Terrorism of the state police,(CCT ISD-CIED team) has won the National Joint Counter IED Competition: VISFOT KAVACH–VIII conducted by NSG Manesar Delhi.

The National Joint Counter IED Competition was conducted by National Security Guard (NSG),Delhi over a period of seven days from Nov 11 to Nov 16 for all the Para Military Forces,State Special Forces and State Police of the country.

The teams are extensively tested in various Bomb Disposal Techniques and are put through tough IED Scenario tests.

The ISD bagged the award beating 18 States,two Union Territories and five Central Armed Police Forces which participated in the competition.

The competition recognises exceptional performance, innovation and excellence in Bomb Disposal Techniques. The teams are judged by panel of esteemed judges from the relevant field.The State Police Counter IED team has stood first in all the categories of the competition.

This is a stupendous achievement by the team and is a reflection of their hardwork,dedication and strenuous training they have undergone.They have indeed defeated all the other teams by a very high margin,a release from the police head quarter stated .

This reflects the level and the standard of the training they have undergone in Bomb Detection and Disposal techniques. This is one of the greatest achievements for Karnataka State Police at National level.

The ISD team stood first in all the 11 categories of the competition including BD courses,BD Experience, Identification of Explosives,BD equipment,IED components,Fabrication of IEDs,Viva test,Quiz test,BD Equipment Handling,BD Equipment Holding,Counter IED Exercises Various Scenario’s,Case Study Presentation, K9 (BD Explosive Detection Dog) competition,and Innovation.