Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar
Amidst prohibitory orders in place,security has been stepped up in and around the city and the city police commissioner, Kamal Pant instructed the senior officer to conduct route march at sensitive areas after Muslim organizations called for a peaceful bundh on Thursday against the HC Judgement on Hijab issue.
On Wednesday, Muslims leaders and ulemas headed by Ameer-e-Shariat of Karnataka (chief priest) Maulana Sagheer Ahmad Rashadi announced a state-wide bandh on Thursday and called upon the community members to observe it peacefully.
City police commissioner,convened a meeting with the senior officials to discuss about the security measures to be taken.
As many as 70 platoons of KSRP and CAR have been pressed into service and and the reserve force is conducting route march at the sensitive areas.
The jurisdictional inspectors have been asked to supervise the security arrangements at their respective areas. Mr.Pant also met muslim leaders at his office to discuss on the issue of bundh.
It is a peaceful bundh and the protest is observed by the members of the community by staying at home and away from their work,Maqsood Imran Rashadi, imam of Jamia Mosque, city market , told the media.
The community members have been asked not to participate in any rally or public gathering since the prohibitory order is in place,he added.
Mr.Pant said that adequate security arrangements have been taken for the release of Kannada Movie- James and also upcoming holi celebrations which coincide with the prohibitory orders.