Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya
The Sanjay Nagar police have arrested a 26-year-old autorickshaw driver who has sped away with the Rs.1.6 lakh and two bag full of cloths and other material belonging to a passenger on October 14.
The victim, a private firm employee,boarded the autorickshaw belonging to the accused Pawan, from Gangamma circle on October 14 to go to Shanthinagar bus stand.
On the way he asked the driver to stop at Gangenahalli to fetch a bottle of water from a roadside shop.
As soon as the passenger got down,the accused sped away along with the baggage,following which a complaint has been filed .
Based on the complaint,the Sanjaynagar police inspector and his team registered a case and track down the accused based on the CCTV footage and recovered the valuables .
Probe revealed that Pawan was involved in a attempt to robbery case in Chandra layout police station last year .
Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,CH Pratap Reddy has appreciated Addl CP West,Sandeep Patil,DCP North,Vinayak Patil,ACP,Manoj Kumar ME,PI,Guruprasad A,PSI,Girish Nayak,and crime staff as,C Vijay,Praveen,Suresh,Arun Kumar,Pradeep,Mallappa Kadali,Avinash and Smt.Lalitha Bai has been appreciated for the exemplary and excellent work of investigation by the in nabbing the notorious auto rickshaw driver a suitable reward will be given to whole team he added that